The Terrible, Horrible, Smelly Pirate - Story by Carrie Muller and Jaqueline Halsey, Illustrated by Eric Orchard
A fun, read-aloud pirate story that will be a favourite with educators.
Set in the misty waters around Halifax Harbour, this fun read-aloud pirate story follows the adventures of a terrible, horrible, smelly pirate named Sydney and his friend Parrot Polly. After answering a riddle set by a tricky mermaid the rascals dig for treasure by the old lighthouse on McNab’s Island. Children will enjoy the anticipation as the chest is raised to the surface, and the surprise as its unexpected contents are revealed. The clean and dirty theme will make this book a circle time favourite with many daycare and library programmers. Parents will love it too.
About the Authors
CARRIE MULLER grew up in Cape Breton and now lives in Dartmouth, NS, where she is employed as a library assistant. Carrie has been bringing her love of literature to children through stories, puppet shows. and general zaniness for many years.
JACQUELINE HALSEY lives with her husband, Ray, and rescue cat, Piper, in a ninety-year-old house overlooking Halifax Harbour. After a long, fun career in the children's department of Halifax Public Libraries, she now spends her time renovating the old house, writing, hiking, and enjoying the local beaches. In the summer she is an interpretive guide on historic McNabs Island and takes part in the annual beach clean-ups.
About the Illustrator
ERIC ORCHARD is the illustrator of several books, including The Terrible, Horrible, Smelly Pirate. He won the Halifax Mayor's Award for Book Illustration and his work has been included in the Society of Illustrator's Annual competition and exhibition. Eric lives in Toronto.
Authors: Carrie Muller and Jaqueline Halsey
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008
ISBN: 9781551096551
Paperback: 32 pages
Dimensions: 9" x 9"